Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Struggles of a Hijabi

 Have you ever wondered what types of struggles a Muslim girl faces? A Hijabi is a term for a Muslim girl who wears the Hijab, a covering (usually a scarf) around her head that hides her hair, neck, and chest. The Hijab is a known symbol for a Muslim girl and Muslims girls are required to wear it according to Islam. The Hijab of course doesn't stop at the head either, it spreads to one's character and the rest of one's body. Being a Hijabi brings about its own set of struggles and here seven of them. Being a Hijabi myself for eight years, I gave some of my opinions on how to face these struggles.
1. Bad Hijab Days
    I always get the comment “Omg, you’re so lucky, you never have bad hair days!”. Though i might not have bad hair days, there is such a thing as a bad hijab day. When you’re fifty pins don’t stay in, and your hair keeps sneaking rebelliously out the back, or the front, or the side, it’s a bad hijab day. The worst is when your hijab is made of a slippery material, so it just decides to fall off whenever it feels like it. A simple solution though is to wear under pieces that are of a cotton material so that the scarf sticks and doesn’t slip off. Also, wearing more than one pin can also help.

  1. Shopping
    The hijab doesn’t stop at the scarf on one’s head, it extends to modesty in character and dress. So shopping can become a bit of a problem. Imagine yourself in this situation: You’re a hijabi, searching for a nice long shirt, that’s full sleeves, and not too tight, preferably in a style and color that you like. You’ve been at the mall all day searching for this dream shirt. Just when you’re about to give up hope, after having looked through short sleeves and crop tops, you found a really nice long shirt. You pick it up excited and turn it around to see that there's no back! This is only one examples of the many shopping struggles a Muslim girl can face. But there's a easy solution, just keep shopping. You'll find something you like eventually. And if that doesn't work, buying something you like and then sewing it to fit Islamic requirements is an easy fix.

  1. The Muslim stereotype
    Like every Muslim, the “Muslim stereotype” follows a Hijabi around. From being called a terrorist to being called a towel-head, Hijabis have serious struggles to face. These taunts come from all people, including less religious Muslims, who don’t understand why a Muslim girl should wear a Hijab and show that she is a Muslim. But the simplest way to go around these taunts is to ignore them. Stick to your faith. Like any other person who is bullied is supposed to do, just ignore the insults and keep good character, even to the worst of people.

  1. The Oppressed girl stereotype
    Another stereotype that comes with wearing a Hijab, is the oppressed girl. This stereotype is painted in the minds of people who are above insulting and bullying Muslims, but just don’t understand the religion and think that all Muslim girls are forced to wear Hijabs by their parents. These people, though they mean well, will give you a piety look to show you that though they might not understand what you are going through, they are there to support you. Though I will admit that there are some girls who are forced, the majority of Muslim girls are not forced to wear their Hijabs, just like Islam dictates. A Muslim girl should be allowed to choose to wear her Hijab, not forced to wear it. The easiest way to get people to stop thinking that you are oppressed by your religion and family, is to educate people about your choice to wear the Hijab. Also, show that you are proud to wear your Hijab, don’t shy away from it.

  1. Where are you from?
    Seeing my Hijab, people just assume that I don’t speak English and many times they just stare at me waiting trying to figure out how to communicate with me. Though I do sometimes enjoy people’s confusion (don’t tell me you wouldn’t either), at times it can get a little irritating when people look at you like you’re a foreigner in your own country. Though I do understand why people would be hesitant to talking to me in English the first time they meet me, my advice is just go for it, it’s more likely that a Hijabi will talk back to you in English than another language. English is taught around the world and many people who move to the U.S. learn English before doing anything else. As for the Hijabis out there, try to speak first to clear the confusion before any awkwardness can occur.

  1. Questions
    I love when people ask me questions about my Hijab and religion. Questions give me a chance to explain to people and help them understand Islam from a Muslim’s perspective and not the media’s. But sometimes the questions can get a little ridiculous. “Do you shower with it on?” “Are you bald?” “What color is your hair?” I have come across these questions and many more, many times. Though I don’t mind answering them, sometimes if people just thought before they spoke, they wouldn’t have to ask these simple questions in the first place. No, I don’t shower with my Hijab on, just like people don’t shower with their clothes on. I am not bald and my hair is still the same color as my eyebrows. Again, I really don’t mind answering any kind of question, but sometimes it would be nice if people would think before asking questions and making me feel like I’m a freak that needs to be asked these simple questions. At the same time, Hijabis do not be rude to people who asks questions, just answer them. People really do not have any idea about our religion and the way we live and it takes a lot of courage to ask a question. Answer any question that comes your way in the best of your character.

  1. People acting awkward
    Have you ever been in the situation where you know that the person sitting next to you wants to say something, but every time he/she gets the courage and turns around to face you, his/her courage is squashed and he/she turns back around? Well I’ve been in those situations plenty of times. It comes to down to people being shy around me because they are afraid to offend me if they say something or ask a question. With my shyness and their fear of offending me, we create an awkward situation. The best way to avoid awkward situations is for me to more friendly and talk first, so other people become less afraid to say something. Also, for people who are afraid to say something, just start with a simple question, a smile, or just a “hey!” would be fine. I promise most Hijabis are friendly and won’t bite. Whether you're a Hijabi yourself, or someone who isn't a Muslim at all, these few suggestions I hope will help you in any way possible.

So, the next time you find yourself having a bad Hijab day or you find yourself next to a Hijabi having a bad Hijab day, you are now equipped with the information to know what to do next.


  1. I have always been fascinated by what a hijab is to a Muslim woman, and everything that it means to them. Coming from a high school that was not very diverse, I had a few friends that wore Hijabs, and I saw firsthand the struggles and responsibilities that came along with wearing a Hijab, but it was also really inspiring that they were so committed to their religion despite difficulties.
    Something else I'm particularly interested in is the fact that so many people wrongly assume that Muslim women wearing Hijabs are oppressed, or are forced to wear them against their will. I have never understood why it is socially constructed that Hijabs should have a negative connotation, because they actually represent quite the opposite--choice and commitment--and I think this blogpost displays that beautifully!

  2. I found this post really interesting because at first glance I assumed that I would be fairly excluded from the intended audience as I am not a Hijabi, but upon closer reading you address a much broader audience than just hijabis. I like the balance between how to overcome the struggles facing a hijabi and educating the general public, like me, who may not know much about this facet of Muslim culture. One of the points you brought up that struck me was how true it is that people get really awkward or uncomfortable around things that are unfamiliar to them, especially different cultures. I think that, as you said, people just need to be cognizant of what they're saying and be respectful.

  3. This post was extremely interesting and educational. Like Lizzy, I thought I would be more or less excluded from the intended audience but this post manages to encompass a much larger span of people. I really enjoy how educational this is to the general public, along with how you offer advice to other Hijabis. One of the points you made was on the struggles Hijabis can have while shopping and I felt like that point is relateble for most people. Nicole's post on the struggles of a water polo player addresses issues with finding clothes. Though the struggles are for different reasons, I think it opens up conversation about the struggles both women and men face when clothes shopping due to cultural, religious, or personal reasons.

  4. In my anthropology class we were discussing the Hijab and I remembered this post from last year! It's really awesome that you're open to talking about your religion and answering tough questions. I learned more from you about Islam than I did from any of the books that we were supposed to read (supposed to is the key phrase here). Anyway, thanks you're awesome, Mavish!
